Linear Abraser Tester. 泰伯 線性輪廓表面耐磨試驗機 Taber 5750
Linear Abraser Tester. 泰伯 線性輪廓表面耐磨試驗機 Taber 5750
TABER 5750 泰伯線性輪廓表面耐磨試驗機可直接測試最終製成品,採用全新浮動研磨頭設計,能依對象表面起伏移動,對樣品外型或尺寸皆無限制,即使最終成品亦可直接測試。 該儀器適用於測試塑料、汽車配件、橡膠、皮革和紡織、電鍍、自由拆卸的組件、塗料、印刷圖樣等產品的耐磨損性能。既能用於評估產品的耐磨性,又能用於評價產品的耐刮傷性 ( 單次或多次刮擦 ) 和顏色的傳遞性。乾磨耗測試、濕磨耗測試均可進行。
為了能模擬真實的使用條件,可設置各種的參數以適應不同的情況。 Taber 的線性磨耗測試儀能選擇 行程、速度、載重和循環次數等。透過選擇不同的磨耗介質和配件,磨耗機能適應客戶特定的、精確測試的要求。另外可選擇樣品固定台與其它附加配件,以適合刮傷、破損程度測定以及耐酒精測試、耐硬幣刮擦等的測定。
線性輪廓表面耐磨試驗機靠Wearaser™磨頭進行磨損,它的大小和形狀類似軟橡皮,並且採用了與Taber 旋轉磨耗儀所使用的同樣高品質的Taber 磨損介質確保持續測定的結果。
• 行程長度 0.5", 1.0", 2.0", 3.0", 4.0"
• 行程速度從2到 75 圈每分鐘不等
• 6個預設速度按鈕,分別為 2, 15, 25, 30, 40, 60圈每分鐘
• 選配荷重片,載重從350到2100g不等。
• 不銹鋼Wearaser 磨頭夾用于玻璃化的或彈性磨頭
• 雷射光導引測試樣品的擺放位置,確保測試的準確性。
• 遙控開關介面
• 115V / 230V 轉換器
鑽石研磨頭(鋁或不鏽鋼)、染色織物(Crock Finger)研磨頭
每套Taber 線性磨損儀包括:
•Wearaser 磨頭夾和齒條軸350g
•250g 重量盤 (3片裝)
•CS-10 Weasasers (10支裝) (橡膠及研磨材質,軟質)
•H-18 Wearasers (5支裝) (玻璃化材質,硬質)
•電源線 (115V 和 230V)
•Wearaser 深度工具尺
•S-14 修面帶 (50個裝)
Linear Abraser 5750
Contoured Surface Testing
Measure abrasion resistance and other material properties of finished products of any size or shape - flat, concave or convex.
The Linear Abraser uses a free-floating head to follow the contours of every sample, permitting testing of finished products. With virtually no limit on sample size or shape, the Linear Abraser is ideal for testing consumer products, automotive components, painted parts, printed graphics, optical products, rubber, leather, textiles and for use in testing laboratories.
Versatile testing with a single, rugged, durable machine.
With adjustable stroke length, speed, load and a wide selection of Taber attachments, the Linear Abraser allows you to customize test parameters to your exact needs. With accessories, the Linear Abraser can be used to perform scratch, coin scrape, crockmeter, rub, pencil hardness scratch, paperclip mar, chemical rub, wire scrape, plus other tests. An optional specimen table provides additional flexibility for securing samples.
Maintain consistent testing standards with Taber’s world-famous abrasives.
The Linear Abraser abrades with a Wearaser®. The size and shape of a pencil eraser, the Wearaser uses the same high-quality Taber abrasive media found in Taber’s world-famous wheels so you’re assured of consistent test results.
•Wide selection of abradants: Calibrase® CS-8, CS-10F, CS-10, CS-17; Calibrade® H-10, H-18, H-22, H-38
•Auxiliary weight discs (10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 150, 250 gram)
•Light weight spline kit
•T-Slot Universal Specimen table
•Wear & Abrasion Attachments
•Scratch & Mar Attachments
Standard Features:
•Eleven stroke lengths (0.2” to 4.0”)
•Variable stroke speed from 2 - 75 cycles per minute
•Preset stroke speed buttons for 2, 15, 25, 30, 40, 60 cycles per minute.
•Variable load from 350 - 2100 grams with optional weight discs
•Stainless Steel Wearaser Collet for use with vitrified or resilient Wearasers
•Laser alignment guide
•Programmable to 999,999 cycles
•CE marked
•115V/230V switchable