鏡面冷凝式露點濕度計 Chilled Mirror Dew Point Hygrometer
鏡面冷凝式露點濕度計 |
Chilled Mirror Dew Point Hygrometer |
廠牌:GEI/U.S.A. |
供應商:建成科學儀器股份有限公司 TEL:02-29103818 |
建成科學儀器股份有限公司; GEI/U.S.A.; 溫濕度計、濕度計、露點計; 溫濕度計; 濕度計; 露點計; | |
智慧型手機-行動條碼QR Code 濕度顯示單位有下列各種表示方式可自由設定: · 相對濕度百分比 / Relative Humidity (%RH). · 露點或霜點溫度 / Dew/Frost Point (Td). · 絕對濕度 / Absolute Humidity (m/v). · 質量混合比例 / Mass mixing Ratio (m/m). · 容量混合比例 / Volume Mixing Ratio (v/v). · 乾濕球濕度 / Wet Bulb (Tw). · 熱含 / Enthalpy (h). · 水蒸汽壓力 / Water Vapor Pressure (e). 應用範圍: 產業界 -- 壓縮空氣及儀器用氣體管路, 氣體乾燥機 (冷凍機及乾燥劑), 乾燥設備 (塑膠業,化學工業, 食品業), 熱處理高溫設備 (碳化, 回火...), 引擎開發及試驗, 汽車排氣試驗, 化學製藥工業, 精密半導體製造業, 充填氣體, 乾燥室, 塑膠射出機 . . . . 實驗室 -- 潔淨室環境試驗, 電腦室環境, 人工氣象室, 氣體分析及濕度標準化 氣象局 -- 氣象資料定性試驗, 濕度校正 | |
GE General Easterns Optica series chilled mirror hygrometers offer NIST traceable humidity, temperature and pressure measurements for the connected generation. Now, data is accessible from anywhere, any time, from within a browser over the internet or your Intranet. Its imagination at work. Optica Measures:
Optica Communicates:
Optica Application in the Lab or on the Plant Floor:
Optica Monitor Specifications Models:- Color VGA with datalogger and Ethernet communications available in bench, rack or wallmount styles. - 4x40 dot matrix available in bench, rack or wallmount styles Power: 95 ~ 265 VAC, 50-60 Hz., 200 Watts Electrical I/O: Business Style AC Receptacle, Multipin Chilled Mirror & Temperature Sensor/Cable Connectors, Screw Terminals for Analog Outputs, DB-9 for RS-232 & 10 Base-T for Ethernet. Measured Parameters: Dew Point, Temperature & Pressure Calculated Parameters: Relative Humidity, Wet Bulb, Mass Mixing Ratio, Volumetric Mixing Ratio, Absolute Humidity, Water Vapor Pressure, & Enthalpy in English and Metric Units as Well as User Configured Units. Inputs: 1/3 Class A DIN 43760, 100 Ohm RTD & for Dew/Frost Point & Dry Bulb Temperature. Loop Powered 4-20mA DC at 500 Ohm Max Load for Pressure. Accuracy: System Accuracy, ±0.2°C (±0.15°C on Special Order) for Dew/Frost Point, ±0.15°C for dry bulb temperature(±0.1°C on special order) 0.5% FS for Pressure. Hysteresis: Negligible Sensitivity: 0.1% Full Scale. A/D: 16 Bit. Datalogger Memory: 16 Megabytes. Display: 1/4 Color VGA Enables up to (6) Parameters to be Displayed or 4x40 Dot Matrix Enables (2) Parameters to be displayed. Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 50°C. Cooling Rate: 1.5°C/Second Typical Above 0°C. Digital Interface: RS-232 Port. Ethernet Port. Digital Output Format: Data ASCII Text, Ethernet Java Applet Password Protected. TCP/IP Address: Factory Default/User Assigned. Analog Outputs: (2) 4-20mA & 0-5VDC User Configurable and Scalable. Alarm Output: (2) 5A at 250V, Form C, (SPDT) Relays, Form C. Enclosure: - Bench-Top NEMA1, Wall Mount NEMA4 Weight: Bench-Top 3.6 kg. Wall Mount 4.5 kg. |